

It's been my view since this began that the GOP had no intention wow items of challenging Obama's run on a second term. There was never any effort to put forth a viable candidate to begin with. and only after their conservative base began raising cain that there was a half-hearted stage show.

This kind of thing plays right into the hands of the conspiracy theorists who believe that our government is already under control of the globalist agenda and that Obama is their poster child.

I have to believe there is little doubt it is to shape the debate over the wow gold economy and growing national debt in coming months, and thinking if he wins, to try and actually do something about it perhaps? As Len says, a place the Prez really doesn't want to go. the economy. Data and analysis vs. emotional driven scenarios for the most part. guess we'll see.

The VP debate should be interesting. if they still have one. Biden better start practicing on economic issues.

Ryan bowhunts wow items too. I give extra points for that. ha!

Ryan, who as you say advocates severely reducing "entitlement spending," received SSI funds from the federal government as a youth that guaranteed his opportunity to get a college education. That must be added to the list of ironies in his buy wow gear selection as a running mate, along with your observation that it torpedoes the campaign's chances in key swing states such as Florida. I love it. Just when some said Romney had lost the election with the touting of Romneycare by an aide (all of Mittens' past accomplishments and positions are now officially off limits), they attach this millstone to the campaign's neck. He understands at depth the issues,tricks, and tactics continually employed by the demoncratic party so as to NOT have to discuss the federal budget in detail. [They so oppose the idea they haven't even tried to pass a budget for over three years]. Ryan is thoughtful, articulate, respectful, and difficult to debate (all things the left hates and is not)].

Romney did not go for fluff, or pizz-azz but rather substance. With Ryan and Romney there are now adults wow gold in the room. The whole idea of an alter is to get somebody different to speak for you. I mean take me and Abby B. I am an old, bald, over educated male, and Abby is a young gorgeous, undereducated woman. Abby and I try to write in differt styles, and avoid the tell tale mistakes of the other.

But quite frankly, between JoJo the Dog faced Boy, and Just Joe the Ragman (not to mention Mr, Schitte and Mr. Ring) there is about as much distance as between a horse and a tight saddle (as they say in Texas).

I mean why even bother? I think you should consider Josephine, an elderly lesbian democrat from Philadelphia, with a penchant for humility, and an aversion to the use of profanity and three consecutive dots, (whose signficance has always escaped me). Just sayin.
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