
Larry wow gold Smith's Comments

I have a little different view of this, but then again I do not currently own KFT. I have found that after spin-offs, buy wow gear one of the two separated companies sells-off as owners of the previous stand alone company reposition themselves in one company or the other, thus creating a buying opportunity in the unwanted company. My hunch, and it is just a hunch, Kraft may be the entity that gets sold off as folks will have some odd lots of stock they want to sell. At least that is my understanding.

Aug 24 03:17 PMThanks Chuck for another excellent article. It took many investing years for me to learn that you buy a business, not a stock. As wow items you article clearly shows, a reasonably priced growing business that pays a dividend is your best long term, investment opportunity. I have owned MCD, XOM and KO for some time and I can state that the majority of my return has been capital appreciation with the growing dividends being icing on the cake. While some Dividend Growth Investors only care about the growing dividend (and that is fine), I like to see some capital appreciation too. Thanks again for a great article.

Aug 22 08:16 AMAt this point, Exxon has only expressed an interest in bidding on the blocks that will be put up for auction. By expressing a formal interest Exxon gets to see seismic and other data on the various blocks to be auctioned. An expression of interest does not mean Exxon will bid, if they don't like the resource availability they won't bid, if they don't like the financial terms they won't bid. If they decide they do like the resource play and they like the terms they can always partner with another firm in a joint venture. So this will not alter XOM's results for years.
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