
Sisters Day Out

I have been so busy lately that I have had little time for fun. My sister, Holly, has also been extremely busy. It means that we have had very little time together outside of visiting our mother in her nursing home and family get-togethers.

When my brother-in-law decided to take the grandsons to the cottage for the weekend, we decided we had an opportunity to steal away for a day together. On Friday evening, we took the granddaughters for a "girls night out." We went to the mall, starting with ice cream cones, followed by a visit to the nail salon. While the girls had their fingernails painted and decorated with flowers, Holly and I treated ourselves to a pedicure - my first ever. It was also the first time I ever had polish on my toenails. I never was a very girly girl.

Next, we went shoe shopping. Little Madison (nearly six years old) went straight for the bling. She ended up with "diamond" studded flip flops, after trying on about a dozen pairs of shoes and wanting them all. Tianna got some slip-ons and a wild pair of tennis shoes. Holly got some really cute tennis shoes -- one pair in pink and brown and another in lime green and blue. No shoes for me. My feet were too swollen to try on shoes.

After some more shopping, we went out to dinner. Poor little Maddy was so tired by the time she got dessert, she fell asleep with her head on the table. Holly and the girls went back to Holly's house for popcorn and a movie. I went home. I forgot to take my camera, so no photos.

I didn't make the same mistake on Saturday. Armed with my camera and a purse full of credit cards, I was ready for anything. We headed for Williamston, a small town southeast of Lansing. We have been talking for a long time about taking some excursions to some of the small, quaint towns that have interesting shops and antiques. I have some of my craft items in a hardware store in Eaton Rapids. Holly and I explored that town one day when I was taking some merchandise in to the store. The shopping was great and we had lunch with our friend from the hardware store. We decided we wanted to venture out more often. Until now, we haven't had the opportunity.

Rain was predicted for Saturday, but it didn't dampen our spirits. And, although overcast, it was warm and did not seem threatening. Driving into Williamston, we were greeted by very cool large houses. I tried to get pictures, but we whizzed by too quickly.

Oh well, buy wow weapons you'll have to take my word for it.

I just love these small towns. They haven't torn down the old buildings; they have just spruced them up. When you go into the shops, you see old tin ceilings and beautiful woodwork.

Our first stop wow gold was a real winner - a shop called N'vious (pronounced envious).

We had the greatest time talking to the owner, Terry and her friend Maggie. Holly and I were calling out to each other to come and see this and that. We both zeroed in on a really lovely earrings and necklace set. The price tag on the earrings said $32, and we were surprised to find that it included the necklace. We were even more surprised to find it was on sale for $18. We both wanted it, and when Terry said she could get another one, Holly decided to buy one for herself and two more as gifts.

Terry looks so severe in this picture, but she was actually smiling all the time.

That's a chaise wow gold lounge up there tucked into the wall at the back.

There were hats everywhere and I tried to resist the temptation to try any on, because wow gold I am a sucker for hats. I finally relented and tried on this cool London Fog hat and couldn't believe it when I saw the price tag - a mere $10. I couldn't let that go, could I? And Holly found a gorgeous beaded eveningbag for $40.

There was a room in the back with a few sale items. I found a couple of necklaces that I could take apart for the beads. When I told Terry what I was planning to do, she said "Take them all for $10. I need to get rid of them."

We got to talking about my crafts and Terry mentioned that they were having an Art Walk weekend next Friday and Saturday in Williamston. Then she suggested that I could bring my crafts and set them up in the back room (where the sale items were). She was planning to clean it out anyway and I could sell my crafts there during the Art Walk. Have you ever noticed how friendly small town folk are? We couldn't believe it. So if you ever find yourselves in Williamston, Michigan be sure to stop into N'vious. Tell 'em dianne sent you!

We stowed our purchases in the car and continued on wow items our way. We had lunch to build up our strength for more shopping. After soup and a sandwich at the Red Cedar Grill, we were ready to spend more money.

Terry told us about another cool shop in the next block and it was another winner, filled withunusual merchandise and another shop owner who couldn't have been nicer. Holly and I got an idea for a new craft project from some of the merchandise in that store (I think it was called Blooms). And neither of us could live without one of these darling cutlery people.

This place is gigantic, with dozens of dealers and stalls. We were on a mission. After getting that idea for a craft project in one of the shops, we were looking for items to use in that project.

Here is the stuff I bought.

Yeah, I know. It looks like buy wow weapons a lot of junk, mostly old pots and pans, but there was a method to my madness.

We didn't finish at the Antiques Mall until we closed the place. It had been raining off and on all day, sometimes heavily. But when it was time to leave, the rain became torrential. We thought it was bad in Williamston, but we found out later that the winds were nearly hurricane force in Lansing. Holly arrived home to find her umbrella table at the bottom of the hill in her back yard. I could tell that the electricity had gone out at my house, but it was on by the time I got home. By that time, we were both exhausted. We can still shop 'til we drop, but we drop sooner than we used to.

I spent the evening working on my new craft project. Here is the result. I call them Pan People.

"a wild pair of tennis shoes" I started getting excited at this point, and then it just kept on getting better and better! what an amazing couple of days of fun you had. NONE of which would interest me in the least if it were proposed to me in the abstract. But reading and seeing all this here makes me incredibly envious that 1) regular shoes never fit me and 2) the only craft I ever wanted to pursue is turning clothes dryer lint into cushions, because I really thing somebody should!

Your adventures in girliedom was a fantastic read, your pan people are gorgeous, and your alibi was a low-will-power day will now be used by me many times i sure. ;)

Dianne, what a great post. Loved the photo story. I think you must be related to my sisters Beatrice and Gaynelle. Gaynelle owns something like 60 hats and wears a different one for different parts of the day. She also loves jewellery real, antique and junk. My sister Beatrice, on the other hand, has half a dozen crafts on the go at any given time. one Christmas she created something like 20 happy/sad dolls. Another year she made tea-cosys. Usually she has a quilt on. Another time she made foot-stools out of tall juice cans.

I like hats, too, but when I working outside, I have to have my ears covered, so the toques aren very grand. I do have some fabulous sun-hats, though, and I wear them for protection against the sun.
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