
Gold buy wow weapons Boobies Iron levels

I have a question for the mommy's still breastfeeding. How are you keeping your LOs iron levels up. We have been trying to buy wow weapons feel LO iron rich foods. It's really a hit or miss on how much he decides to eat each day. some days he'll eat a lot of what we serve other barely anything. Pretty sure he's still getting most of nutrition from breastfeeding. We're thinking of starting a liquid vitamin that we got from whole foods. He's low on iron levels I'm wondering how others are managing it. Thanks in advance!

I take an iron supplement along with prenatal vitamins. Also wow gold my dd loves cheese so I sprinkle some cheese on a tortilla and chopped spinach or other garden greens,fold it in half and nuke it. She loves her spinach quesadilla bites.

Also I make hamburger patties with chopped greens mixed in and cook them to well done, dice and serve. My dd is a pretty reliable meat eater but veggies are hit or miss most days.

Hope this helps. I am waiting at the docs for her one year check up. I will let you know what they say about her iron levels. Should be getting the results today since I took her to the lab Monday.
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