
Diffusing the Ralph Nader Bomb

In the run-up to the 2000 Vote, I crowed plenty buy wow weapons to my Democrat-voting peers that I would vote for Gore if he would simply do what he could to ensure Nader's appearance in a single Presidential Debate. Remember that scandal?

Some excuses at the time of the 2000 debates was "Nader doesn't belong in the debate because he's not popular enough, important enough, or doesn't have a large enough constituency, let Bush and Gore duke it out, etc.,." Obviously these excuses were wrong and this fact is supported by the seemingly millions of voters who now, since the election, blame Nader for Gores defeat. I guess you can say that Nader really was THAT important and he

should have been allowed in the debate. In principal, Pat Buchanan(Reform Party), Harry Browne(Libertarian), John Hagelin(Natural Law), and Howard Phillips(Constitution) should have been invited to debate, too.

I have loved that this year's Democratic Debates and it should

now be obvious to many that allowing more that just the FRONT RUNNERS on the stage to debate buy wow weapons threatens absolutely nobody and actually can have a positive and energizing effect in an outcome that encourages productive thinking amongst the whole group of debaters. Howard Dean, Al Sharpton, and Dennis Kucinich will not win the nomination, but they sure bring some great ideas/issues/truths to the table without really threatening or drowning out front runners,

Kerry and Edwards. Also, kudos to wow gold General Wesley Clark; if he hadn't run, would Michael Moore ever have had the stage or media coverage to put

George Bush the Deserter into the minds of the voting public? Does this prove how even a media-branded "wacko-liberal" can contribute, too?

During the 2000 campaign I also recall saying to my Democratic-voting peers that I would vote for Gore and encourage others to do the same if buy wow weapons the Gore/Lieberman camp would simply, prior to election-day, offer Nader an appointed position in their Administration or Cabinet if the Democrats won; Nader would be a great resource with the Dept. of Energy, Secretary of the Interior, White House Janitorial staff, whatever. It would have been an enormous symbolic gesture and doing so would have brought many many votes to Gore. This would NO DOUBT seal a victory and send Bush and his Neocon-minority packing and none to soon.

United we stand, divided we fall.

At minimum, we should encourage the Democratic Party to INVITE Nader to appear in a Presidential Debate at least as a symbolic gesture, AND show Ralph Nader and his supporters some deserved respect. Not to mention this invitation would say a lot to those disenchanted voters who want to believe that the 2-party system isn't just an exclusive "Skull CrossBones"-esque "Good Old Boys club" but who can find no proof to show otherwise.
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