
Bulldogs hard work in wow gold changing culture of the club undone by misbehaving players and fans

But bite on Billy Slater ear on the NRL's biggest stage was compounded by fans in Belmore burning a Melbourne Storm jersey and displaying offensive slogans.

Gibson, speaking on Fox Sports The Back Page, said Bulldogs CEO Todd Greenberg and the club hard work had been nullified by the incidents.

"Overnight, virtually, it back to the bad old days. It like it gone, it never happened. got worse for the Dogs, with the players now being investigated for crude remarks made to a female reporter at the club Mad Monday celebrations.

Unidentified persons were recorded shouting from a room inside Belmore Oval as the team assembled for the post-season celebrations 24 hours after their loss to Melbourne.

A cameraman was allegedly also spoken to wow gold in a vulgar manner by a member of the Bulldogs' back-room staff as he tried to film players arriving in fancy dress.

Greenberg took over at the club three years ago and buy wow weapons is widely credited as the man who turned the Bulldogs around from the dark days of 2008, when they finished wooden spooners and were embroiled in several off-field incidents.

Kent praised the CEO's work at the club but said it was up to him to adopt a hardline approach in dealing with the fresh controversies.

"In a lot of people buy wow weapons minds, those three years (since Greenberg took over) are just a blip, Kent said.

Greenberg, if he the leader he says he is, will get the players in buy wow weapons a room and say, I going to give you ten minutes to admit who it was otherwise I fine the lot of you on Tuesday, said he was frustrated that the club reputation had once again been dragged through the mud.

"We are really disappointed, wow items they are not the values that we set in our club," Greenberg said.

"We've tried hard over the wow gold last five years to show the Bulldogs in the right light and we're very proud of that"

"What we saw (Monday) wasn't that. But having said that, we're not perfect and we all make mistakes. Bulldogs will conduct an internal investigation into the event Mad Monday events before submitting the findings to the ARLC.
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