
Personal Responsibility Update

Powerful dialogue includes the line, "Nobody told me not to." The lawyer's father portrays the ultimate "helicopter" parent wow gold when he accompanies his adult son to a doctor's appointment. Apparently the father and son, both personal injury attorneys, suffer from ADD as it was necessary for the father to bring a tape recorder to the doctor's office so that they both could remember the doctor's instructions. And we thought Hollywood was weird.

Other characters include the bride-to-be, reportedly played by Paris Hilton, and a future father-in-law, a microbiologist from the CDC, who finds it necessary to hold a news conference to deny any involvement in the TB case even before his future son-in-law is publicly identified as the culprit who potentially exposes others to this rare form of TB.

Reportedly the plot involves a disgruntled CDC employee who infects his future son-in-law (every father-in-law's dream) with wow gold a rare form of TB and then proposes to two ambulance-chasing attorney's that they use this unfortunate event to expose the incompetence of the CDC (Stoney is re-writing this section to include President Bush as a co-incompetent) and sue for millions which will provide a dowry for the happy couple.

The movie will go into wow items production in late summer with release expected for Christmas 07. Joy to the World.

In a related story, Stoney rejected purchasing the screen rights to a book about a professional football player who infects others with a STD while using a Mexican alias, shows his appreciation for his fans by giving them the "bird" and owns a secret water bottle to safeguard his jewelry. In one chapter our hero throws his own sponsor, an airline, under the bus, to explain his inability to show up and testify before Congress.

Throughout the story our hero's pursuit of the abdication of responsibility is aided by any number of "enablers" he encounters on his way to fame and riches. The strongest of these is an older Jewish man-servant whose primary role is wheelchair pusher. The weakest is a spineless GM. Unfortunately the plot, which showed great promise in the early chapters, spins out of control with dog-fighting, federal racketeering charges, tax evasion and a famous federal penitentiary consuming the final pages.

In rejecting this wow gold book Oliver Stoney was quoted as saying, "The story isn't believable."

Patrick Malone, a Senior Partner with The PAR Group, has more than 35 years experience in operations, customer service, buy wow weapons and sales management. As a key member of the PAR team, Patrick has trained and consulted throughout the world with a wide range of organizations including The American Cancer Society, Banfield-The Pet Hospital, Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines, DuPont, Ft. Dodge Animal Health, Hewlett-Packard, International Securities Exchange, Novell, Sensient Technologies, Siemens Medical, SOLAE, The United Way, and Verizon Wireless.

A frequent speaker, he has presented at the Frontline Forum buy wow weapons at American School of International Management; Argosy University; the business schools at Kennesaw State University and Georgia State University; ASTD; numerous Universities; PMI; Association of Information Technology Professionals; Healthcare Businesswomen's Association.

Educated at John Carroll University, Patrick is on the Board of the Blairsville-Union County Chamber of Commerce, serves on the Govt Affairs Committee and leads the Business Roundtable.
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