
What is the best way to convert my father large collection of vinyl jazz records into digital mp3 Also

If you looking for quality, which it sounds like, I would NOT convert them to MP3s. That has only become wow items a popular audio storage format because it is one of the most compact and therefore easy to store and move around digitally. It works on what called a "lossy compression", meaning that an algorithm filters out any audio range within the recording that cannot normally be heard by human ears. This greatly reduces the full richness of the playback sound.

If you really want to convert them to digital, the best and most reliable way would be to use DAT, digital audio tape. This format is recognized as one of the most preferred methods for long-term digital storage. Mainframe computers, to this day, still use digital tape as back up, because it is not as easily corrupted as disk storage. Granted, you have to buy some pretty expensive equipment, so probably the next best thing you could do, at home with your computer, is rip them in WAVE format. This is the actual audio rip of the signal from your turntable, without any compression. So the full sound spectrum is preserved. You could also try some of the good "lossless compression" formats around, like AAC or FLAC (which is often used for live recordings, because of quality of its playback). But, if these are important to you and you want to preserve as much as the original recording quality as you can, I stick with WAVE.

I done that with my vinyl collection last year. wow gold It is time-consuming, you have to bring patience. My guess is I spent at least an hour with each LP, ripping, equalizing, selecting the tracks, burning.

I indeed purchased a new needle and a new belt for my vinyl player --mine had been pretty old--, and did a thorough realignment of the system, needle force, and anti-skating.

As was said in previous answer, you should backup the ripped data in a lossless wow gold format. I did it in AIFF, which is the format as used on CD. You basically burn CDs that can be played on any standard CD player. For computer and ipod AAC is a nice compressed format, I couldn tell the difference to uncompressed.

I used Audacity as the wow gold ripping software, it is free, available for all OS, kinda works, a little on the crash-prone side.

l am jus starting my vinyl/record buy wow gear collection, has anyone got any tips? Also Technics/Pioneer or Sony players, whats the best way to go.

How do wow items I convert a vinyl LP to an MP3?

If you have Christmas music mostly on vinyl record albums, will you transfer those to digital, buy new (CDs or MP3s) or haul out your turntable for the holiday season?

I am thinking about buying the ion usb turntable to convert my rare vinyl collection to mp3 format does anyone know if it actually works I heard rumours it doesnt.
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