
The wow gold Best Movie You've Ever Seen

Thanks for a very interesting answer to me, Talimze! Your answer wow items is just along the lines of why I asked the question. It's interesting to me that your best and your favorite can be different in lots of areas besides just the movies.

I think I've only seen the first two Terminator movies. I liked them buy wow weapons both I believe -- I seem to remember the most PLOT SPOILER!! at the end of some Terminator movie it has, I believe, Linda Hamilton, standing on a lonely highway, maybe, looking up toward a very threatening gray sky.

Thanks for not being put off by what may seem to be snobbish tastes. They're only snobby when there's not a good reason for liking them. I like those because they express a buy wow weapons raw quality that indirectly tells me that they were made not for the love or need of money but came from the heart. Another one is Fassbinder's In a Year of 13 Moons, the slaughterhouse sequence is one of the most riveting I've seen, which just lately learnt came from Goethe's Torquato Tasso play, and if you manage to see that film and you happen to really like it, then I urge you to monetarily splurge on the 15 + hour Fassbinder epic Berlin Alexanderplatz which the epilogue of is just as or more emotionally explosive than the 13 Moons film.

Thanks for answering my question, Leelo. Yes, I was interested if people found that their favorite movie was not really the 'best' movie they've seen. Though my two choices I put in my question are both fantastic films in my opinion :)

I enjoyed 'The Notebook' much more than I wow gold ever expected to. ( I was dragged to it by a couple of people who always chose the movies they wanted to see )

~ more so than even the major characters, I really found interesting the character that actor James Marsden portrayed. I like him as an actor and I think his character was , in some ways, just as admirable, if not, much more admirable than the Gosling guy. Marsden loved the woman enough to let her go. And then he jsut disappears from the movie - - I thought the movie lost something with his departure but I know he had to go, I guess, to keep the plot moving. Marsden gave him a believable quality.

~ Also, actress Gena Rowlands' performance is key to the movie's success for me. Rowlands adds a strong, much-needed gritty reality to a movie that( to me ) could easily have fallen into just a typical sappy love story. I rarely enjoy movies of this genre, so her strength made a big difference to me, I think :)
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