

Islands or no islands, the real question in this is how the heck the French got involved in wow items this mess in the first place. I suspect a WORLD DOMINANCE CONSPIRACY, feuled by the GOVERNMENT, funded by some MEGA-CORPORATION, involving WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and an EVIL AXIS of some sort, because that makes good press and just typing those words is likely to make some sniffing server somewhere shudder a bit.

You see, in Europe nobody calls them that except when they laughing at the Americans and their protests. Over here we all know that what the Americans call French Fries aren French at all. They were invented by the Dutch. And they still pretty much the national food there. Like waffles are to Belgium. And mangos are to. I dunno, Mangolia or wherever they from.

Now here the reason, in my imagination, why a set of French Friesian Islands is unnecessary in this whole etymological saga. (And I do mean etymology, not entomology. I eschew crawly things in my junk food.)

It just so happens that there is a province of the Netherlands called Friesland. As you can see from this picture, Friesland is purplish in color and actually does have some islands.

But they not French islands. No self-respecting French place would have city names that contain so many consecutive vowels, and they CERTAINLY wouldn name an island "Schiermonnikoog". The French are more into punctuation.

Friesland is known for its big shiny horses and spotty cows and friendly-looking flag.

And. get this. wow gold they also grow a lot of [what?] Anyone? Anyone?

Yep! That right. POTATOES!

So to answer your question, Yellowdog, it seems like at the name does make some sense, even without the islands.

As for how the French got into the picture, who knows. The French call these things "fried potatoes" No mention of the Dutch. Being refined, they eat them with a knife and fork.

The British leave the Dutch AND the French out of the picture, buy wow weapons perhaps because of their long-standing rivalry with both when it came to colonizing the rest of the world. Just to be different, they call them "chips", wrap them in old newspapers, and douse them with vinegar.

Whose idea it was to top them with ketchup is anyone guess. It's an American thing. The Dutch serve up with a glob of mayonnaise. I have a hunch there's some symbolism in that. Fierce blood red vs. pristine white. You do the math.

It all gets so confusing over here.

Basically, it's for the very same reason that bikinis are still popular in America but the Bikini Islanders do not wear them or even produce them!* And what about Easter and Easter eggs? Do you think the natives of Easter Island have anything at all to do with Easter? Why they don't even have rabbits on the island so where would the eggs come from? They may have rats and poultry since the Europeans invaded, but no Easter bunnies, zero, zilch, nada! I'd talk about the Christmas islands but we'll leave that alone and let our imaginations behave. last winter, walked the beaches for hours every day, and found not one solitary emerald but yet if you walk in any Zale's you'll see emeralds galore. I have finally come to the conclusion that place names have nothing to do with most places unless it has the word "fort" or "camp" in front of it, and that's only because military names generally lack imagination.

* the bikini was likely invented by a missionary's wife to cover the bodies of native women and protect them from harmful gazes,I mean, rays.

What little we know of them is from legend. It is believed that the potato originates from the Friesian Islands, as does the Whopper-Chopper. Like their fellow Atlantians, they had an advanced culture now all but lost to time.

This all obviously occurred long before there was a "France" or any Frenchies to people it. French Fries are called wow gold such because when the Friesian chef who invented the Whopper Chopper and the "potato cut into sticks and deep fried" (as it was known in those days) was preparing them for the first time he injured his fingers in the crude, stone age Whopper-Chopper. As you might imagine, this caused the chef to burst forth in crude and vulgar utterance.

Surely by now your see where I going with this. The reason they are called French fries is that when the Friesian chef swore at having injured his finger in the crude stone age Whopper-Chopper, he apologized by saying "pardon my French".
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