
What is your zombie survival equipment list

Well, Id go to the nearest gun store near me, as I live in England there probably arent many high powered guns near me so Id have to stick with a double barrel shotgun, a rifle or a basic 9mm pistol, plenty of ammo, plenty of dry foods that will last a couple years (not like id last that long anyway, although I do have alot of knowledge on zombie killing), plenty of fresh water, my family, and a safehouse.

And if my family got infected Id probably leave 1 bullet left so I dont have to get eaten alive.

military backpack, hammer, hatchet, katana, machete, hiking boots, flashlight, sports radio, extra batteries, mag pouch, ammo pouches for loose .22's, binoculars, buck knife, camel pack water container, first aid manual, matches and 2 bic lighters, jeans, bandannas, sleeping bag, cleaning kits for guns.

I still need walkie talkies, a crowbar, flares, medical kit, and kevlar vest.

I'm sure i left stuff out that i have and forgot stuff i need but thats close.

And I could always use more variety of guns and plenty extra ammo.

Remember: A diesel Engine car, can be ran wow items off of cooked strained animal fat in a barrel, Watch discovery channels The Colony, Also ethynol is easy to make in a week.

1) Ammo does weigh alot. Pick up a pack of .45's , You'll see. Sniper rifles are made light depending on model. But I would rather have 20 clips 1/2 pound each of 37 shots/9mm for one handgun, than carry around 4-5 guns + Ammo

2) I own a portable power inverter, weighs less than a pound

converts 12v AC into 120 DC to power small tv, if attached to the wiring of a

Sniper rifles are a waste of space when zombies are in play. Going to a store to loot is not a great idea because they are the first places people will go, were people are zombies are. Gun shops are a possibility provided the owner is dead or not in it because they would most likely shoot anything or anyone withing 100 yards of the establishment. In the case you are out when shit hits the fan be prepared. I always carry my 7 shot Taurus .357 mag., it's a little heavy but .357 is made for destroying flesh and with a 4" barrel and some practice there isn't much that I can't hit. My backpack always has a leatherman multitool, hand sanitizer, backup knife, extra ammo, 2 flashlights, extra contacts cause without them I'm useless, pen and notepad, lighter and matches, and a water bottle or 2. Then I carry my main knife and gun on my person. A good defense weapon would be a 12 gauge. Semi-auto handgun could be useful and even better if you have a semi-auto long gun that is converted to use the same ammo would be a great idea.

Alright, well. While the rest of you are either drowning, or trying to run away with all that crap on I will meanwhile be running away and surviving. I see a lot of people with heavy armor on. If I'm running I want something light but still effective. Decent leather for armor will do. Nothing to heavy to weigh me down but if I still get bit all I get is a nasty bruise. It'd take a lot for something to bite through the leather to puncture the skin. Leather will work fine. Leather gloves and makeshift undersleeves made of leather as well as around the neck. Some decent boots to run in, prefferably steel toed.

guns: 22 rifle, 2 9mm hand guns, 12 guage shotgun, m16, any sniper rifle with scope,extra guns and ammo for my group,

silent wepons: buy wow weapons cross bow, bow with scope,

close buy wow weapons combat: crow bar, combat knife,

cloths and armor: black sun glasses for badassness and prvent blood wow gold from getting into my eyes, normal shirt with paintball armor chest plate,jacket, outdoor shoes,blue jeans with undershorts,bandana around my mouth to pervent infection,holsters for my handguns and straps for my assalt rifles

backpack: my backpack will hold my other supplies such as nails for borading windows, first aid kit, towels, water canteens, water jugs,map of the state and another map of the routes and towns and another map of the surronding area, extra ammo, ammo magizines, water proof matches and lighter, battiers and flash lights, small soler panel to charge my battiers, small am and fm radio, walki talkis,extra cloths, string and neddle for stiching, cap, machete attached for quick draw, plasic bags,fishing pole with string and hook, fire wood, flares, and anything else of use to me

food:cans of food,powerbars, and what ever i can find

to do list: survive, stay on the road, do what comes natural

My trusty bicycle, i kid you not. Bicycles are the main form of transport here in Amsterdam.

I'm already used to biking round 20-25km (sorry we use the metric system) a day. I would prefer my bicycle over any vehicle except for maybe transport truck. It's agile, light, usues no fuel and completely quiet.

If i can find one and manage to get it working i wow gold would tke a transport truck wich i would use as a mobile base of operations. A motorhome would also do the trick though they are a not sturdy enough and small if you ask me.

Because i live in a large city i'd be traveling from house to house. boarding up and barricading everyone of them as i go (in case i have to fall back). I'll try to scavange as much food as i can so i won't use all the lightweight dry rations i have with me. If i can i'll try to make contact with other survivors, strength in numbers and poolled recources and abillities.

Otherwise i'll try to scavange as much as i can. Food and every other thing that could prove useful, find viable transport and head out of the city. Find a farm somewhere (preferably with animals or crops) and make my stronghold there. If it works out i'll have my own peace of safety wich will be self sustainable. Also i''ll be trying to find a firearm, be that as it may be hard to find one, it'll come in handy if i ever have to scare/fight off other survivors.
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