
read science fiction books

Clarke, was an instant science fiction legend, an epic tale about buy wow weapons the human origins and of technology. It is also important because it began the novelized genre with in fact one of the most widely popular subgenre incarnations -- the mixture of horror/monsters and sci-fi.


Rendezvous with Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke, is one of the best science fiction stories ever written, probably Clarke best work, and to this day remains relevant and realistic alongside attempts at depicting what the future and alien life might really look like. It attempts no less than describing and depicting the fall of a galactic empire and the preparations for the rise of a new empire. To acknowledge consideration of what those concepts "mean" is to admit to a moral imperative in understanding and applying them, and to the wow gold fact that they are things about which we cannot always be certain. The story hypotheticals are about social structure and governance, about gender roles and laws, not about "science" and technology. Still, plenty of other stories fall under science fiction that really don deal much in any science and technology per se -- most apocalypse fiction in fact relies on survivalist considerations within a post-nuclear/germ landscape, and could likewise be said to be speculative rather than science fiction. Atwood objections notwithstanding, this is an important work for being the first to take a look at totalitarianism from the perspective of groups who would actually probably be among the most targeted and oppressed under an extreme dictatorial rightwing society. It also won the first Arthur C. You find heavy traces, in fact, of this work in Alan Moore Watchmen. Vonnegut concern with humanity inhumanity to one another, to mass destruction and warfare, are recurring themes in his work, but here the pure absurdity of it all blends with a hopeless exasperation. You can find a rather sad contrast between the sentiment of this novel regarding mass destruction and war, and Vonnegut profound contemplation about the exact moment ending World War I, on November 11, 1918: "It was during that minute in nineteen hundred and eighteen, that millions upon millions of human beings stopped butchering one another. I have talked to old men who were on battlefields during that minute. They have told me in one way or another that the sudden silence was the Voice of God. So we still have among us some men who can remember when God spoke clearly to mankind."

EDITED 3/22/2011: Anne K. I had, but had placed it in wow items a secondary category, whereas it absolutely deserved and needed to be in the first five listed as "must-reads" because they are the most important books of the genre (as well as great novels overall).

I also added The Handmaiden Tale since I had it on my short list of books to consider for my answer, but I had wanted to avoid too much dystopian-future writing (because it tends to so dominate people perception of sci-fi), and I felt the other two books of that sort which I included were the best of dystopian literature. But discussing it, I realized I was in fact one book short of five on my third list, so I went ahead and added it.
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