
Daily wow gold Presidential Tracking Poll

Four new national presidential polls are out that all show President Obama in the lead but by different margins. In the Gallup buy wow weapons Poll President Obama has a 5% lead which is down 1% from the previous day. Obama was at 49% compared to 44% for Romney. Third party candidates and undecided voters combined were at 7% which was an increase of 1% from the previous day. Mitt Romney remained at the same level of support from the previous day. The Gallup poll was finished on September 30, 2012.

Over in the Rasmussen Reports presidential tracking poll President Obama had a lead of 3%. Obama was at 50% buy wow weapons compared to 47% for Romney. Third party candidates combined were only at 2% which was the same level for undecided voters. According to the Rasmussen Reports presidential poll most voters have made up their mind about who to vote for in November. The Rasmussen Reports presidential tracking poll was released this morning, Monday, October 1, 2012.

ABC News and Washington Post poll also released a presidential poll that has Obama in the lead by 2%. Obama was at 49% compared to 47% for Romney. wow gold Third party candidates and undecided voters combined were at only 4% in the ABC News and Washington Post poll. However, the poll was flawed in that only the names of President Obama and Mitt Romney were given in the poll. No option was made for Third party candidates or undecided voters. Therefor, voters who support Third party candidates or were still undecided had to volunteer that answer. That would almost definitely skew those numbers lower. The ABC News/Washington Post poll was finished on September 29, 2012.

Politico/George Washington University/Battleground Poll of likely voters showed identical results to the ABC News/Washington Post poll with President Obama in the lead by 2%. Likewise, Obama was at 49% compared to 47% for Romney. Third party candidates and undecided voters combined were at only 4% nationally. Once again Third party candidates were not mentioned by name which does lower their polling numbers. The Politico/George Washington University/Battleground Poll was finished on September 27, 2012.
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