
Gatlinburg Tennessee Hikes

This hike fairly exudes the aura of the high country, as you traverse in and out of the buy wow gear spruce-fir forest that cloaks only the highest mantles of this land. Straddle the very spine of the state line ridge, which offers windswept vistas into both states that comprise the Smoky Mountains. Once you've reached the top of Silers Bald, you can look back and see where you started -- Clingmans Dome parking area.

View Guide

We started at jackes creek and hike to silers bald. didnt get to see any views because of the overgrowth. Then after many miles of hiking we reached silers bald! wow wow gold were those last steps killer! we found some water and started a fire for our food and off to bed at 6pm. hahah didnt know if u went up the trail some more there was a huge clearing and a rock marked 5607ft. the next day when we were on our way to campsite 23 we came across it but the problem was that it had rained all night and the fog was horrible! we couldnt see any kind of view. if the fog wasnt there it would have been awesome! oh well.

Colby Sweet

US wow items Army, ft wayne, Indiana

Hiking from the Goshen Prong Trail and campsite #23 to Double Spring Gap, wow items was a uphill haul. Spent the night at Double Spring Gap, probably an overused shelter, due to its proximity to Clingman's Dome. Restored fireplace's beauty and had nice early mountain frost overnight. Keep your dirty underwear out of the fireplace please.

The hike from Double Spring Gap Shelter gives great views of the Goshen Prong and Little River Valley. Climbing Jenkins Knob offers excellent views of the destination Silers Bald. From Jenkins Knob, the Cucumber Gap can also be seen to the northwest. Mt. Le Conte is further NNW. Following the spiny mountain ridge called the Narrows also offered some early fall color viewing, but watch your step. Soon after descending from Jenkins Knob and the Narrows a trail junction with Welch Ridge trail comes up from the Hazel Creek drainage at the foot of Silers Bald. The climb up Silers is steep and short, offers great views of where you have been of Jenkins and the Narrows. On top of Silers Bald, views of Le Conte and Clingman's Dome were grand. Flash a mirror at some the car driving mountain seers on top of Clingman's Dome. And if the choice offers you take a night's rest at Silers Bald Shelter sheltered down the southern side of Siler's.
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