
Insights wow items from the Industry

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 216,100 fitness professionals were employed in the United States in 2008, with a projected number of 337,900 for 2018. Agencies wouldn share statistics on the certified instructor population, but IDEA member Kelli Davis said about 47% of 2011 IDEA World Fitness Convention attendees had at least 15 years of experience in the fitness industry.

Most instructors recall the thrill (and maybe the jitters) of teaching those early classes. You a leader, with all eyes on you, grasping to remember the choreography. The challenge comes after longtime professionals teach similar formats year after year, decade after decade.

Want to amp up excitement and get students begging wow gold for more? Industry leaders Carol Argo, Leeann Carey, MaryBeth Marotto, Julie See and Katie Surridge share their secrets for teaching the cutting-edge and dynamic classes participants crave.

Mix it Up

Teaching a variety of classes optimizes enthusiasm for Palos Verdes, Calif., instructor and international presenter, Carol Argo, who wow gold has 29 years of experience in the fitness industry. Argo teaches Nia, Pilates Yoga, Yoga Dance and Water Pilates. She was an Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) Training Specialist for 12 years, received the 2002 AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional Global Award, and is a volunteer yoga instructor at the House of Hope, a recovery program for women.

A fun medley of classes also excites Julie See, President and Director of Education for the buy wow gear Aquatic Exercise Association and co-founder of Innovative Aquatics. She has taught dance aerobics, step, slide, water, kickboxing, Latin dance, low impact, high impact, stability ball training and body sculpting. have been teaching group exercise for about 30 years now I am not that old am I? she joked.

The Music Connection

Music keeps instructors bouncing with enthusiasm, especially now that the days of buying CDs with only two or three good songs are over. There are sites where you can legally download songs to use in your wow items classes. This enables instructors to create any mood they like. put my own compilations together, said Argo. have a ton of music fun. I studied with instructors who really use music as a tool. I have been inspired by those teachers. is a big part of my programming, said See. use a wide range of music styles because I have a wide range of participants in class. is huge for me, enthused Katie Surridge, a full-time group exercise and Pilates instructor at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Ariz. drives me so much. She loves assembling theme and holiday-related playlists. the music keeps me interested and excited and changes the mood.

A Flexible Plan

Mixing it up depending on the crowd means a better experience for participants and a stimulating teaching environment for instructors. always teach to who in front of me, said Leeann Carey, a national and international presenter who owned the Planet Yoga studio in Redondo Beach, Calif., for 16 years. any given day, students bodies are different and sometimes the same things just don work. I have a plan, and have a plan to throw away the plan based on what happening. give different levels of instruction, noted Argo. a very welcoming space is important. No matter where students are in their health and fitness journey, she aspires to give them they came for. I have new students, I want them to feel successful from day one, so my plan changes when they walk through the door or to the pool! said See.

read the crowd, explained MaryBeth Marotto, a regional instructor coordinator and national trainer for Healthways SilverSneakers fitness program and national AEA certification trainer, who has taught for more than 20 years. lowest to highest intensity makes the class. For each eight-week class, she delivers a program with a similar format and purpose, changing it up a little. Her work wow items with older adults is purpose driven. It should into daily life. I not going to teach really dancy fun classes want them to work. thematic yoga formats brings purpose to Carey classes. She uses a mapping program she developed to create unique classes. For example, the instructor types in a Queen pose for students to work toward, the prime movers, and the skills necessary to do the pose effectively. Then he/she selects warm-ups to teach alignment and positioning skills and preparatory poses to lead into the Queen pose more difficult pose they will transition into well as cool-down poses. fun and keeps my teaching interesting and fun, so I heard. Students walk out with a skill and experience. have always tried to include something different every class, said See. Even though I am teaching water aerobics, one day it might target high-intensity interval training, the next class is a traditional cardio format using specialized equipment, and on days when the water is too hot (I teach outdoors in Florida) we might focus more on cardio resistance training.

days I ask the participants what they want to do. Others might look at this as being unprepared, but I have taught enough years that I can put together a balanced workout that is safe, effective and fun on the spur of the moment. By asking for input, my students feel like it is truly class! has taught the same water class for 20 years at the Courthouse Fitness Wellness Center in Connecticut. a purpose every time you go and teach, she suggested. you are well prepared and have that purpose, your class is going to enjoy it.

Lifelong Learning

Workshops, reading and research, and taking other instructors classes can keep it fresh. select continuing education and read magazine publications to keep me fired up, said Argo, whose wow items aim is to be and spontaneous as opposed to mechanical. I have to come from this place of spontaneity and joy and enthusiasm. of the best strategies has been continuing education, explained See. am introduced to new ideas and ways of presenting ideas. I add moves from presenters across the globe in class I tell them this stretch is from Portugal, this dance move is from Trinidad, this technique is from Brazil, etc. This allows my participants the opportunity to appreciate the diversity of fitness.

love to take other instructor classes. It gives me a chance to consider new ways of cueing, learn new combinations, explore a different class format, enjoy the energy of the participants in a different way, said See.

Canyon Ranch hosts many training workshops for instructors, which keeps Surridge and her co-workers inspired and learning. pretty lucky, she said. Right now she working toward a Beaming class certification.

Personal Insights

Staying fit to feel confident and be a role model is critical to Argo and Marotto. a lifestyle, said Argo. is who I am. My identity is so much a part of my teaching. keep up my level of fitness up so I can deliver the best I can, added Marotto. keep myself fresh and alive so I can give 100%. and Carey shared some final inspiring thoughts. yourself, said Marotto. what got you into it [fitness] in the first place. what keeps a teacher fresh is sincere interest and devotion to being of service, meeting students where they are, and having the knowledge to assist someone in whatever stage of growth they might be in, said Carey. inspired so you can inspire someone else. AF
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