
It's wow items Time For Spring Cleaning

At the first sign of spring, I always get the urge to do some spring cleaning around the house. Winter clothes and accessories go into storage, and warm weather clothes are unpacked and hung up. I also go through my makeup drawer to make sure it in top shape. If it been a while since you gone through your makeup, now a great time to start. Take the time to examine the contents of your wow gold makeup bag, drawer, or cabinet. Throw out anything that is in a broken container or missing a cap. You can always pour liquid foundation into a fresh bottle. You can scoop out creams and lipsticks and transfer them to small containers or palettes. You can put pencils without caps can be put into plastic zip-top bags. Not all cosmetics come with the expiration date in plain view. They should be stored either in a neat brush roll with individual slots for each brush, or upright in a pencil cup. To clean your brushes, put a drop of brush cleaner or very gentle soap in your hand, wet the brush and swirl the bristles around on your palm. Rinse until all of the soap residue is gone. You don want to immerse the brush head in water, because the hair is glued to the base, and will come apart. Squeeze out excess moisture with a clean towel, reshape the brush head and let it dry with the bristles hanging off the edge of a counter so they return to their perfect shape. Resting a brush on a towel while drying may cause it to become mildewed. Or, you can buy disposable synthetic sponge wedges at the drugstore work well and are inexpensive. The disposables can be washed and reused just a few times before you discard them.

Now that you know how to spring clean your makeup and beauty tools, it a good idea to do a quick check on a regular basis. Don wait for a certain day, week or month or even a specific season. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies.

