
Examples of good in

I have been a tester and a producer for EA mobile wow items in the last 3 years and about 1 year and a half ago I was wondering the same thing. Looking at what it is on the market now I would recommend WoW because:

1) About 3/4 of the game is easy wow items enough not to get you bored as a new player and not to get you killed. The rest of 1/4 is more lethal.

4) The whole leveling requires a bit over a month for a new casual wow gold player. After 1 month of mind-numbing killing the user considers that experience worth-wile because he is so close on being good according to his standards (so close of getting in a guild, of receiving some good items, of buying an expensive mount, pvp etc).

Proper wow gold implementations:

1) No user wants to watch a 10 minutes video of a tutorial regardless wow gold of his task/game. In games at lest the best way is to have short films of about 3-10 seconds in which you show him what to do with it. After that the user is put in the situation of doing it.

The best mathematics scheme I came up with, but I did not manage to implement yet, was to divide the basic movements of the game or program tasks in 3 short films let's say (movement, attack, equipping items). As those 3 are completed 1 by 1 the user is requested to perform 2 intermediary tasks (move+attack and attack+equip or move+equip depends on what you game is based on). At the end he will be introduced to a simulated danger scenario (a boss or a data loss) at the end of which loot (bonus) will be involved.

2) The user needs to be able to skip the tutorial. Regardless of how much you have worked to implement your tutorial I may not be interested at the moment, but after 30 minutes of action I will restart the game just for your tutorial and intro film because is worth it.
More articles come from the:http://www.wowgoldpo.fr/wow-gold-fr.html

