
Video Game Reviews

The 70 and 80 were full of revenge films, everything from Charles Bronson, wow items Van Dam, and so on, now we get something much better and much more bloody when it comes to graphics. Shank 2 is almost the video game that Quentin Tarantino would make and have Danny Trejo be the main protagonist.

This game is an action packed revenge trip, it almost plays off like a classic revenge film:

He going back to where he was born, they took his loved ones, and now they made a huge mistake They pissed him off! Shank 2 more action, more blood, and more weapons of destruction.

The does not have much to offer in the sense of change from the last one, which can be good and bad at the same time, with the added roll feature it makes it easier to avoid enemies but at times much like the block feature from the original it can fail completely if not times correctly. You get your usual close range, long range, and explosive weapons choices with 3 variants for each one, personally it seemed like I had to keep changing my strategies every few levels depending on the onslaught of enemies I was facing.

Sadly as much as I enjoy the combo system in the game that racks up more points as you buy wow gear change weapons in the middle of your chained murder sprees, all the skill goes out the door when it comes to boss battles much like the previous title did, instead of skillful dodging and shanking it becomes a time it right and use the environment to kill them, and if they catch you well you are pretty much dead.

Sadly there are only 8 stages in the game, they added a co-op mode and survival mode as well but they really do not make up for the low amount of hours of game play in story mode, even with the Normal and Hard Mode it feels like the game could have added some more time in the slaughter house for those of us who really want just mindless violence.

Overall the game is pretty fun experience but it does not leave a strong impression as other games of it kind have in the past, but seeing as this is the sequel I hope that some more come out and they simply get better and better.

Sadly it will not be Dick Gracen but Tim Drake in the experience, your options are limited, however. Robin only playable in challenge maps and the experience is exclusive to those who pre-order Best Buy Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 versions of the game. So at least we are now getting some love across the board but it seems that we will only get the chance if you pre-order from Best Buy, not to shabby but lets see what GameStop will offer before we run in and snag up the pre-order pack since last time I got the Collectors Edition and that was awesome.

While supplies last, pre-order the game for an exclusive downloadable Robin character. Robin is a fully playable character in the new and improved challenge mode in Batman: Arkham City. The Tim Drake Robin pack is available exclusively to fans who pre-order the game from Best Buy on Xbox 360, PC and PS3. Robin comes complete with his own unique gadgets and special moves, and will be playable in all challenge maps in the game, as well as two additional challenge maps that are included with the pack: Black Mask Hideout and Freight Train Escape. The pack will also contain a bonus Red Robin character skin.

Visceral Game and Bioware do wow gold the unthinkable! They teamed up to create a cross promotional beast that no one saw coming!

Yes that right Dragon Age 2 DLC has been announced and we get excited over the fact that they are offering something original.

But do not get too excited over it just yet, the only way to get this armor is to buy Dead Space 2 and use the code inside, which of course is a one time use code that will allow you to transfer the full armor and weapon set over to your Dragon Age 2 game.

Of course they do offer benefits to wearing the armor and if you pay close attention to the bards at night they love to tell the tales of Ser Isaac Clarke, these horror filled stories bring nightmare to those who are feint of heart.

I find this promotion intriguing, for most people Dead Space 2 has nothing to do with Dragon Age 2 and for some of those people they were not planning to pick up the title in the first place. But then true fans of Dragon Age who want all the DLC and armor that Bioware dishes out it brings a true conundrum into this, pass on a top tier title because you may not be interested or give it a chance fall in love with it gory entertainment and get bonus armor for your character. Well if you know me then you know my answer I need a copy cause I need more armor for that game!

Well some people may think: Your gonna spend $60 bucks on a game that you were not sure of just to get the armor? Well get real! I have auctually been looking at this game more closely since CES after the crew from Sarcastic Gamer Red Show convinced me that it was worth the money just based on the story and entertainment value it holds.

And to be honest the last scary game I played was Doom 3 on PC, I itching to get my hands on a game that will make me fear the darkness in my own living room for a few days. Boy that is if you are lucky enough to have one.

Detailed and beautiful maps that show you all 200+ primary locations to discover and secondary ones as well, with such a wow items large Wasteland to traverse trust me this map comes in handy and you will need some guidance to where key locations are. Some of your quest will not lead you to all areas and some quest are only given if you can locate the NPC. So the locations will help you get the most of your game and the most complete experience possible.

And of course all the upgrades, benches, campfires, and so on are displayed. When you find the right combination of items you can craft almost anything, weapons degrade slower if you use upgraded ammo, versus stock ammo that is cheaper but if you can make some custom ammo you will save money and kill things faster.

But of course the reason you want collectors edition guides are the extras wow gold that come with it, in this case we get concept art and behind the scenes info from the developers. Much like DVD and Blu-ray you pay a little bit more to have bragging rights and a sweet looking guide.

Once again even if you do not like to buy guides, the reason to have this is to show your love for Fallout, I gladly display my Vault Boy bobble head with the lunchbox from Fallout 3, so do your self a favor if you are a fan of the series or love to have awesome collectibles to display. Highly recommended and kinda hard to find.

