
Tootooroo Experience

March break is almost over. Waaaaaaah. The past week was alright. It started off in one of the worst possible ways. I found a spider in my room. I don want to recite the entire saga, so in short, the spider ran into my keyboard. stayed there, me not knowing where it was hiding, for about half an hour. Then I finally saw its disturbingly long legs hiding in between the number 6 and 7 keys. So I tried to kill it, but then it ran somewhere else in my wow items keyboard. This time I was utterly clueless. About 10 minutes after, it out of the keyboard LIKE CRAZY. I got so scared! A looong time after that, I finally saw it again, and managed to kill it! Finally. man, it was scaring me so much. Okay, then on Monday (I couldn stand being inside anymore), I went with Oliver and Andrew to the Ciniplex at Sheppard and Yonge to see Nobody Knows. We first ate at Wendy and then walked back to the theatre. The weather was so nice for a while. ahh, I love spring. And, we spent the next two and a half hours watching the movie. The movie. well it was interesting. It one of those foreign movies. foreign meaning artsy (haha). it from Japan. and it won all of these awards in Europe. so I figured it would be good. It started off being a tad boring. but afterwards it got pretty interesting (afterwards meaning about an hour later lol). It about how these four children are abandoned by their mother, and how their life goes. But for the most part, it not that sad. The movie has this great sense of hope and optimism to it. The children never complain. when the going gets tough, they sustain. It was quite nice. I don want to spoil the movie for anybody who hasn seen it, so I won say much more. I spent the rest of the week mainly doing homework, cleaning, watching tv (Dawson Creek, haha), and practicing piano. Now I working on my design project. I hope it work out well. Well, that it for now.

