
Used buy wow gear AIX or Solaris machines

Here is wow items one provider of Solaris VPS services.

Depending on your actual need, you may want to check with your local Sun and IBM sales offices. Sun is slowly getting flushed down the toilet by IBM, Microsoft, Linux and Apple, so they should be eager to help you out if your project has business value to them (you are compiling software to sell on the SPARC platform, for example). IBM is actively trying to flush Sun out of the market, so they would be just as eager.

It would be wow gold useful to know more about what you want to do.

posted by wow gold b1tr0t at 10:30 AM on November 8, 2005

Wow, I didn't expect so many answers this quickly. I need to use pre-compiled binaries from a vendor). OTOH, the customers I do the work for often don't want to provide remote access to their own boxes for extended periods of time, so I need testing and staging machines. From b1tr0t's VPS link, it looks like VPS is not practical for my purposes --I'd need 100GB disk space or so for a staging system, so I am down to a used box or striking a deal with IBM/Sun.

