
Stuff and nonsense

Well, I had a marvellous holiday. Two weeks absorbing the the sights and sounds (and smells) of East Africa. The seemingly endless expanse of the Serengeti, the tranquil beauty of Lake Victoria, the wow gold dubious pleasure of hearing hyenas sniffing around the tent at night - all unforgettable experiences. And now I'm back, and everything seems a bit grey and uninspiring. The better the holiday, the worse the post-holiday blues, I supposeTwo weeks until I fly to Nairobi, and I've just started my course of Lariam. I've taken Lariam before without any problems, but it always worries me when I start a course and read about the possible side effects. So, if I start to behave strangely, you'll know that it's probably just my malaria tablets screwing with my mind(Jul 28, 2000)

I've just been thinking about flowchart templates. Many years ago, when I started out in the computer business, I had a nice blue IBM flowchart template. I used wow items it almost on a daily basis, sometimes for drawing flowcharts but more often for just spinning round on a pen. As time went by it became a bit tatty, bits of it started to break off, and computer drawing packages made it obsolete. I don't know where my old flowchart template is now, but I wish I still had it, so I could spin it round on my pen right nowIt really has been a long, hard weekClick here to see more Conversations

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