
plasma gun

Whenever I see someone using a rare weapon in Tribes: Ascend, I don think, that guy must be really good! so much as, guy spent a lot of money! Ascend is a free-to-play first-person shooter. Like Team Fortress 2, there are non-default items to collect. These items almost always fall into 2 categories: items to accessorize your avatar, or balanced weapons to introduce new strategies to the game. TF2 has done this marvelously, with its bustling virtual hat economy doing so well that Valve hired an economist to study it.

TF2 lets you use real money to buy new wow gold items, too, but they never more than a couple bucks, and you can usually trade with other players to get them cheaper than if you paid real money.

Tribes, on the other hand, lets you pay for things with XP (earned slowly wow gold by playing) or with gold (which you buy with real money). You can buy a good amount of new weapons with just a few days worth of XP, and most of the time that item just give you a new way to play.

But some items! They don do that at all! Sometimes I find myself killed, and I click over to clip of what my killer is using, and he got some gun I know is expensive. And then I think about what it take to get that other, better gun.

For example, there this plasma gun that you can buy for 75,000 XP or 500 gold. Using an optimized strategy for earning XP (earning your 2,100 XP daily win bonus and quitting after that, once a day for over 30 days), you looking playing the game for at least 12 hours to accumulate 75,000. That a lot of patience for one goddamn gun. That 12 hours of not spending your XP on anything else.

Or it about 5 goddamn dollars. wow gold When faced with an absurd time sink like 12 hours, that $5 seems reasonable. And that how they get you.

And it like these pricey items are kinda broken. I googled ascend plasma gun and it gave me these results:

From the google suggestions and the video results, you can tell that some people want to know how much the dang gun costs, and other buy wow gear people are arguing that it overpowered. That how they get you! They waggle this overpriced, broken thing in your face and you want it! And now that people are definitely spending real money on this stuff (and not, say, trading for it the way they would in TF2) I imagine the game developers can weaken the gun with people saying THIS THING I BOUGHT WITH REAL DOLLARS SUCKS NOW. So it might just stay broken forever.

I not outraged by this. The game wow items chaotic enough where it not like people with these unbalanced, better weapons are winning every time. I still enjoy the game very much.

I guess what I find weirdest about this experience is that, for the first time, I didn respect someone for having nicer equipment than me. Rare items in online games are traditionally earned through skill or patience, but Tribes: Ascend was the first time I saw someone who probably just paid money for what seemed like a distinct advantage. I wasn impressed; I just kinda shrugged it off. You win again, People With Money.

