
World of Warcraft behind the economic food chain wow gold kopen g1

World of wow gold ideal Warcraft behind the economic food chain The official news version information overseas news Blizzard Blue Posts News Desk Service NewsHorta e Costa, Rui warlock warrior mage priest paladin hunter Stalker Shamanic Death Knight monksThe task copies of achievements MOP upgrade Raiders the prestigious Raiders the 5 mans Raiders MOP MOP5.0 treasure trove of magic Gushan Raiders MOP5 wow gold.0 fear of heart Raiders MOP5.0 the Yongchun Taiwan Raiders MOP5.0 World BOSS Raiders pet play against the Raiders Japanese songs farms RaidersAlchemical herbs Enchanting Tailoring Leatherworking Skinning the gem mining forging engineering Cooking Fishing First Aid inscriptions money skillsthe pvp video wow gold pve Video funny video remake video promotional video Integrated plug-in package occupational PVP interface avatar actionbar the chat exchanges mission combat raid backpack bank business skills mapSuccubus Warcraft the runaway comic books comics surrounding classic wallpaper the funny screenshots Forum textures Warcraft players bite comics collection I pen womenBackground fiction emotional journey Zatan theBeast Q MOP5.0 talent calculatorMOP leveling route Raiders Panda people prestige thematic Panda people thematic various career single brush thematic metamorphosis thematic Warcraft Cataclysm thematic big catastrophe Upgrading of large catastrophic single brush thematic large catastrophic expertise speed punch thematic Warcraft Cataclysm thematic big catastrophe, turned thematic Warcraft hero task Chuan Ji thematic 2011 Warcraft inventory the Thematic World of Warcraft festival topicsGold farmersThe gold farmer is an important part of the the derivatives industry chain of the World of Warcraft, a group that also in the survival game game design and agents.Second District esu Craig server players McDull, once gold trading several 封停 or canceled ID 13 of his wow gold kopen machine in the 26 personal 24-hour non-stop operation, every day can be played from the World of Warcraft hundreds of thousands of World of Warcraft gold because gold increased from World of Warcraft lead to the depreciation of the purchase price of each Warcraft gold depreciated by about 75% since the domestic operators. These people are the the game designers opponent, they make money concentrated into the hands of game gold wholesalers supposed to flow back into the game - the currency in the game system not only into - this great risks to exacerbate the inflation of the game. Financial The balance of the system is an important aspect of the buy wow gold game design. player Xian Koubu said, World of Warcraft online games inflation control the best, it has a very powerful monetary recovery system, for example, repair equipment, The higher the better the equipment repairs; wash talent, gold coins will increase each re-wash talent to be consumed by the players in order to test the effect of the same occupation in different talent often repeated replacement of talent. World of Warcraft then 'Achievement System' also encourage you to develop some expensive hobbies, such as collecting all kinds of pets and all kinds of horse has to spend more coins In these ways, the game system will be able to achieve the recovery of the issue of currency and balance of the monetary system but designers can not stop some people want to grab a share of the idea from the game such as McDull then sell virtual gold and equipment (or props) to third-party dealers or the demand side by playing the currency leveling in exchange Renminbi or U.S. dollar game players are referred to as gold farmers online. Richard Heeks of Manchester University as early as 2008, when done a survey report, the report shows that worldwide about 500,000 gold farmers engaged in gold farming, which accounted for a large proportion in China. Gold farming industrial chain, many consumers rely on the industry to achieve the goal of rapid growth in the game, the more gold farmers rely on this job to make a living. gold agriculture, was especially vigorous development in China, according to the China Internet Network Information Center statistics, last year alone, the output value of the domestic gold farming on up to two billion U.S. dollars, amounting to up to more than 100 billion it has fully formed online games market, different from the online game developers and operators alone betrayed CDKEY (game install and run the license) and cards, monthly cards as gaming the primary market.Wang Feng said: because of the high degree of market discipline, the main income of the online game developers and operators in the United States from the sales of the product package, domestic carriers revenue online games point card, monthly card sales. The PW wow gold kopen, plug, hacking operators The providers generally objectionable headache behavior, regardless of hacking or purchase virtual coins and props, the game can not be screened; and to some extent, betrayed props and gold coins to obtain benefits, it tends to attract many gold farmers playing currency sales, causing the game inflation, affect the game life cycle. online game props and gold trading, 90% of the market share from the World of Warcraft gold trading.Blizzard a few years ago to combat the name of the plug-in firmly blocked hundreds of thousands of users, more than 30 million World of Warcraft gold is removed, more than one million realities of instantaneous evaporation of wealth, which is seen as game developers shot purge the internal order of the game, against plug-in, the warnings and limit the the virtual dealer transactions degrees of freedom move but it is not happy to see carriers. Taobao, 5173 as the representative of the virtual dealer under the auspices of the labor-intensive industries, is itself groups, a microcosm of this industry have mass base, they are disruptive while also active in the development cycle of the game virtual economy in this gray industrial chain at the bottom of the gold farmers have not only destroy the game balance online game time consumption of the largest contributors. player Xian Koubu said: Due to the current the network games ecological chain has stabilized, suddenly part of the game features cleaning, will hurt the whole industry chain, many manufacturers do not want to see on a limited time agents, of course, do not want to see. default plug, rampant gold trading even connivance buy wow gold, the order of players on the national dress game have been complaining about the heavy. detailed connector information ;
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