
Cataclysm Whelpling Farming Guide gw2 gold 92

Cataclysm Whelpling Farming GuidePets have always been a great money maker in world of warcraft gw2 gold, in fact they've been a huge part of my gold making ever since I've picked up engineering. I've since then expanded to all types of pets, from snowmans to oozes, and even whelps.You read right, whelps. These little buggers have obscenely low drop rates from specific mobs around Azeroth, which can be taken for as a con or a pro. It's a con because, of course the drop rate is low that you'll spend a fair bit of time farming the mobs that drop them, but it's worth it because a single whelp can net your anywhere from 5-10,000g. You can become instantly rich overnight!There are four total whelps, and in this post, I will cover all of them, where to farm them and such, do keep in mind that Blizzard made these pets a zone drop, for example The Tiny Crimson Whelp is a zone drop from Wetlands guild wars 2 gold.This is the blue version of the four whelps. You used to be able to farm this whelp in Azshara, you cannot any more gw2 gold. You will need to head to Winterspring to farm for this pet. As of Cataclysm, the old mob that dropped this pet has been removed as Azshara is now a low level zone. The next best option is going to be killing Anguished Highbornes in Winterspring. The drop rate is roughly 1%The map to the right shows the location of these mobs. These mobs also have a fairly decent chance to drop the enchanting formula, Icy Chill, which can sell anywhere from 100-200g at the Auction House.You can also kill/farm any other mob in Winterspring( please correct me here ) to get a chance at this pet, I liked this spot because you also have a chance at the Icy Chill formula.The other spot where you can farm this pet is Dustwallow Marsh. You will be killing mobs named Searing Whelps. I have also included a map to the left showing you exactly where the mobs is located. Please do note that there are mobs named Searing Hatchlings here as well, and while they do not have a chance to drop the pet, they do share the same spawn point as the Searing whelps. I suggest you kill both to improve your chances at obtaining this pet.Last but not least, you can go farm this pet in wetlands, there are whelps named Ebon Whelps that have a fairly decent drop rate, from what I've read, they also have a decent shot to drop the Tiny Crimson Whelp, so you have a even higher chance here! Look below for a map!This is also a Zone drop in either, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands, and in rare cases, Wetlands as well.Tiny Crimson WhelplingThis is the red version of the four whelps, they are one of the harder whelps to obtain as of Cataclysm, due to having their top three mobs hat dropped this pet removed from the game. Blizzard added EbonWhelps instead of the old whelps. These new Ebon Whelps have a chance to drop both, Dark Whelplings, and Tiny Crimson Whelplings. This makes it harder to obtain the Tiny Crimson, as you might get a Dark whelp when you're really trying to obtain a Tiny Crimson One.The map on the top right shows the location of these whelps, they are kind of spread out, and not really ideal for farming. The value for this pet has skyrocketed since Cataclysm, as it's much harder to obtain this pet. This pet is also a Zone drop from Wetlands.This is the last of the four whelps and the best looking one in my opinion as he's colored green. As some of the whelps above, this pets top "farming mob" was removed with Cataclysm, and now there is only one mob left that has a good chance to drop this pet, and that is the Noxious Whelp located in Feralas. They are located at the top of Feralas, and they have a pretty decent spawn rate, view the map to the right for the exact location.
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