
Racism in Australia wow po 2R

Racism in AustraliaI believe both groups are at the wrong. You cannot solve violence with more violence. But what sparks me most is that the offending "ethnic" groups were no where in site during the big Riots. Instead they were laughing it up, watching on the news. The rioting "non-ethnic" Aussies went about smashing anyone of middle eastern appearance.Caption: Dragged to safety: A man is protected by a policeman after being set upon by the crowd, while another man, left, tries to punch him. Picture: AAPIt is confide to only one city mostly, Sydney. That city has a huge middle - eastern population. I know this has been stirring for some time and other cities will start to feel the pressure now.Something that caught my attention . on a wall in Sydney a message was graffitied there, it said "The War has Just Begun".UPDATE: Another night of civil unrest to a smaller scale. There were approx. 450 police in Cronulla (main suburb where it started) in force. There were only a few arrests.What's worrying police is the 1000's of people gathering outside the mosk.The problem is really in that religion wow po. It is extremist in it's view it has no balance and it has a faceless God who does not promote peace. As long as such exists man's plight will get worse. As Autrailia is experiencing and France, and countless other countries I think what we are seeing is the beginning of something which is going to get much greater than it is now it will cause a war of massive proportions wow gold. WWars have started from much less. You marks my words religion will be attacked and it will become illegal worldwide because of this extremist religion it's just a matter of time. When it all comes to a head.
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