
after speaking to the wife it appears that he has a history of cheating Is there anywa wow gold kope

after speaking to the wife it appears that he has a history of cheating Is there anyway I can sue him for emotional distressI generally agree with karma. However, karma rarely works one a person purely based on the person opinion. It is generally an actions thing. So I doubt I going to get caught unknowingly sleeping with a married man, purely because I think both people should be held accountable. And if I did, I still stand by my original point of ignorance not being an excuse to place the blame purely on the other person. You need to take responsibility for your own actions and your own ignorance.I fine with your opinion. Does not mean mine is going to change. You have an issue with me not seeing another person point of view, however you also seem to have an issue accepting other points besides your own. I am open to other views, does not mean I need to agree with them. You know, a little revenge goes a long way though. I would write an anonymous letter to his co-worker his neighbors and family members. I did this to a woman my ex was seeing when we were married. The letter was to her family members. And I told her husband in front of her. Did I feel better? Yes, I did. I felt absolutely great! And vindicated. You need an outlet for your distress. This is a safe one. And you save yourself the counseling bill. The only other thing I can think of is that you can offer the wife your testimony on her behalf if she ever seeks to divorce the creep.The wife has no "BACKBONE" and because of this her husband gets to lie to single women that would like to have a relationship with an unmarried man. Sure. Fact is this man wife is not dealing with anything. She living in a fantasy world. The one where everything okay. Even if it does get back to her she already knows. How much more humiliating would that be? She put up with it til now. What the difference? And maybe it would help get her out of her fantasy world and back into the real world.My point is that although she is already aware of the problem, for whatever reason (not yours to evaluate) she has chosen to stay with him. The rest of the world may not know, and so she may have been able to deal with this in private. If you humiliate her in this way in public, then you remove the one option she had, which was to "ignore it". I doubt that this woman is in any "fantasy land" as you suppose. I think you have no idea of the hell she lives with on a daily basis. For you to imagine that she has no "backbone" because he still gets away with this is naive in the extreme.She an enabler. No different than being the wife of an alcoholic or an abuser. If she chooses to stay with him she "chooses" to suffer wow gold whatever else comes her way. She could contract an STD or God forbid, he should get involved with someone who could do him real harm. As in shooting the bastard. (I hope she smart enough to have a good insurance policy on him) Is anyone so naive as to think this is just his "dirty little secret" and no one else knows? This bad boy needs to be taught a lesson. That my opinion and I sticking to it. Perhaps you really have no idea how ridiculous this sounds. On the one hand, you assume that "everyone already knows" about the man infidelity . and on wow gold ideal the other hand, this public letter of yours will be somehow revelatory and . instructive? Even if his actions are as well known as you assume, it possible, even if somewhat Victorian, that the wife and family feign ignorance in order to maintain some shred of dignity, and this facade is maintained by "everyone else" who knows and pretends not to, for exactly the same reason. Some people do still live by old-fashioned ideas and practices, even if you don like it. So, fine. Send your letter. Humiliate the family. Precipitate the breakup that she been trying -- for whatever HER reasons are -- to avoid. This just strikes me as the attitude and action of the type of moralizing busybody we all be better off without wow gold.Having your cake and eating it too doesn seem like hell to me. A man who can have someone that keeps the home fires burning and continue to have a little on the side isn in hell but heaven. To "some" men this would seem an ideal situation. So much so, that in fact Ashley Madison is a web site that pairs married men with those who would fool around with them buy wow gold. Probably for pleasure or possibly even profit. Indeed, his wife is a victim of this jerk. But even victims have to speak up sometime. And making it public just might do the trick for her as well as for the woman he made of fool of. It would have already been a done deal. LOL.Fantasy Child, I understand your point, but this world is full of people who just accept things without keeping their mind open and thinking. Because a doctor wears a white coat wow gold kopen, we just accept what he says. Should not wow gold kopen be the case. Just because a man wants to date you, you still have to keep you mind thinking. Not accuse him wrongfully, but during these first 5 months, you should be paying attention. Not because you are trying to hurt him or looking for trouble, but rather to protect yourself. Date a guy for 5 months and never go to his home? Never think about his evasive actions? No, just sit around and say to yourself "He likes me, so he must be OK". You need to be thinking and that goes all the way through the relationship time table. If your husband stops coming home after work, you better start asking yourself "WTF is going on". Thank you all for your very supportive answers, and for the fool that called me a "whore"; god bless. I serve in the US military, and so does he. His wife was away on a special duty assignment for the pass two yrs. So you can now understand why there was no sign of this women, and why it was very easy for him to pretend that he wasn married. After speaking to his wife it appears that he has a history of doing this, and I not the first person. Oh and for those folks that believe that I got into this relationship blind, no I had know this man and been friends with him for two years. He had always flirted with me, and had always made it apoint to be there for me. So this wasn a simple few months, and now I madly in love. This relationship had developed over the period of two year, and then finally we decided to embark into a relationship. I wasn trying to get money out of this man, I just figured I needed to find a way to express to him how bad he hurt me. ANd I figured he needed to realize that his actions where wrong from the start, two year ago. I have since then prayed on the fact, and I beginning to find peace with the situation. God, family and friends have supported me 100% through this ordeal. And yes I have learned not to trust so easly the next time.
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