
I am bored of my blonde hair how can I warm it up for winter

What an apt name for you! Even if you did have to wait many years for it to be a true representation of how you feel.

I read your question with glee, because while I am an enormous and vocal fan about rich, warm dessert hair in 2011, I am also a big fan of turning the theory of going darker in the cooler months on its head.

When you think about it (here is some thinking music), it actually makes a LOT of sense to stay lighter during the colder months. Not only will your hair keep some light on and around your face, but when your winter wardrobe palette is dark, which is generally is, your hair will ensure there is still an abundance of excitement and radiance about you. I think it makes a lot of sense, but only in the same way washing your body after you taken your clothes off does.

However. If you are bored, we must obviously accommodate that, or rather, and more accurately, ameliorate it. For when a lady has become fatigued of her current hair, there must be nothing that stands in her way! Not the unavailability of a salon appointment, not time, not money, and certainly not common sense, as it has been with me, on so many occasions. (That said, I DID chop a LOT of my hair yesterday, and am feeling utterly magnificent.)

Here are some suggestions for you to inject some drama and allure into (what sound like deliciously, expensive, much sought after, creamy blonde locks, which kind of make me think of Miss CAROLYN BESSETTE-KENNEDY with a beautiful navy blue coat on, and red lipstick delicious!) your hair. Unfortunately, despite your plea for no brunette, it all we can really do. But we can do it well, I assure you.

Before we start, let get something straight. Now, having not seen your hair, this is a bit of a tricky cat, but even though you want to up by the sound of things ( you may have cool skin tones, which would be why the warm brunette shade looked not so great on you. This is because ladies with cool tones should stay within their family, which is devoid of golden and red-based tones. So, instead of warm brown, which immediately implies a red base, you need to ask for a cool brown, which has a, silvery, ashy base.

Fun fact! Generally, (VERY generally) if you look better in and usually wear silver jewelery, you are probably cool-toned, and if gold suits you better; warm toned. Some olive-skinned types can do both. We must not be jealous of these women, I sure they very nice.

And now for some suggestions to alleviate your trans-seasonal follicular boredom:

Have some brunette balayage/low-lights

This is not balayage in the traditional sense, which is darker roots, lighter tips. Instead, I suggesting low-lights, 2-3 shades darker than your actual hair, painted wow gold on randomly around the bottom tips of your hair, and the underneath layers. It will create some variation and the look of texture and will look terrific will done all tousled. You can even get some in and around the roots if you want to create more of a traditional ombre look. In this image of Miss NICOLE RICHIE, I firmly believe the brown throughout and underneath her blonde is what makes her blonde look so good.

Have variations of dark and lighter blonde and some brown, all over

Now, even though Miss ERIN McNAUGHT is definitely from the family (her olive skin can take a dark tan, her skin would best suit gold jewelery), what she has done with her hair here can and should definitely be used as inspiration, because she has merged big chunks of brown in with haphazard blonde chunks, in varying shades. As she gone from a dark to a lighter base, it was probably easier for her to just have certain parts bleached, whereas you will need to get shades of ashy brown painted on all over the head by a VERY good hairdresser.

If the colour stuff is all too hard, chop it. As anyone who been near me in the last month or so knows, I am very partial to one-length hair, and in particular, the one length hair of ARIZONA MUSE, who not only has the most tremendous eyebrows ever seen, but is a very popular model right now, and who became such a thing when she cut her very long, (regular) hair off. What are some little treats, mid week pick me ups that are good for the winter blues but also help with the issues that face our skin and hair in winter? Aside from facial masks etc?

My skin is horrid. I had constant pimples since I was 16, I now 22. They not just in one spot, they all over my face and no matter what I do it NEVER seems to clear up. Tried absolutely everything and I always wow items eaten healthy and exercised regularly so it not that. My skin is also combination/oily so gets dry patches but also goes oily throughout the day. Plus, on top of all that my cheeks/nose area goes quite red, it actually looks like it might be mild rosacea. I guess the only good thing is that I don get acne-like pustules my question is, can you please recommend at least one awesome dermatologist in the Sydney area (or even Parramatta or Castle Hill areas for us westies) that specialises in treating acne/rosacea-y skin. All I can seem to find is derms specialising in anti-aging. I also a uni student and on a bit of a budget so can really afford the absolute of the best atm, but I desperately need to see someone good about this.

Your help wow gold is desperately needed and much appreciated!

I was very excited to be given a 3 hr treatment voucher for mothers day (my first one- new mum)

Off i went to aurora spa in mel very well known beautiful spa. I buy wow gear was allergic to everything they tried !! I knew I had sensitive skin but being a pretty low maintenance girl I guess I never realized how sensitive. They used REN and DARPHIN products and I was allergic to both ranges />

I currently use dermalogica ultra calming cleanser but really need a good moist. It was such a shock, I nearly cried when I looked in the mirror, but I absolutely LOVED it and have not looked back since (that was last October). She picked the most perfect shade for me, no red in it all, and it has worked wonders for me, I get compliments from people all the time as to how much better it looks. And it is much healthier too.

