
kristin chapman wow gold XD

kristin chapman

Kitchen Playset after creativebleed

Wow, this week went by super fast! Even though we started this set a few weeks ago and most of it was done, it was all the little touches that ended up coming down to the wire. The sink got the biggest make over, we decided to paint the whole thing white to give it that apron sink feel. We removed the cabinet door and made a curtain instead. The original faucet was missing so my husband used a plastic "J" pipe for the faucet and bathroom replacement knobs. He even drilled a hole in the bottom of the sink. How cute is that?

While installing the faucet, the top accidently got cracked, so we thought it best to tile it to cover our bad. It was suprisingly easy. We got a sample sheet of small white tile from a local tile store and grouted that sucker in. It came out surprisingly well.

creativebleedThe stove didn't need much just some new paint. The tea towel was screen printed by our friend Jennifer J, who also made some little menu cards to go with. We added a Green Toy pot and frying pan and stocked the fridge with some empty food packages.

For the used set and materials we probably spent around $140, which is a little over budget, mainly because of that darn magnetic paint Acheter Des PO. Sure we probably could have purchased a new set for the price, but what fun is that? Plus, we kept the money within our community and gave our daughter something custom for Christmas. And I am happy to say it's been a big hit we have been cooking all morning! K

Used play kitchen from Valley Care Thrift, Tile from Western Tile Design Center, Fabric from In Between Stitches, Cherry Blossom Montana Gold Paint from Richards, Hardware and paint from OSH and Lowes.

Play fridge before creativebleed

Santa's elves have been slaving away during nap time the last week to get one special girl's kitchen play set tricked out in time for Christmas! We have removed handles and doors and begun painting. But before I get into the remodeling process, I must back up to the day we found the set. As we were configuring how to fit the two piece set into my car (along with the jogging stroller already taking up most of the trunk), the clerk came out and said, "the guy just dropped off the fridge, do you want it?"

"Of course!" So now our two piece set is a three piece set. One elf drives the sleigh with a fridge and a stove while the other runs through town with a jogging stroller and a sink, Merry Christmas!

So lets get to work! We started by cleaning the set up and removing all the handles, small parts and doors. We chose to leave the set white and repaint the doors magenta with silver hardware.

Painting fridge door with magnetic paint creativebleed

Starting with the fridge, we thought it would be cool to have it actually be magnetic. I had some left over magnetic paint from a project last year so I started painting the front of the door. Of course after the second coat, I came to the conclusion that the paint was no longer good, there was not the slightest pull. My mind already set on a magnetic fridge we broke down and bought more paint (the stuff is not cheap). In the end the fridge got 6 coats of magnetic paint, then a thin layer of white paint before the magenta went on. Does it work wow po? Of course! Although the darn thing chips easily and the surface is a little rough from the foam roller, it does work and is cohesive with the rest of the set.

Close-Up of dispenser on door. Note the texture and where the paint seeped through the mask. creativebleedFor the ice dispenser in the fridge door I painted the inside white and then masked around the levers and painted the levers silver to match the handles. One problem I encountered was the silver paint which caused the white paint beneath to bubble. I am afraid to know the answer to why that happened, but I ended up having to completely remove all the white paint from the levers before painting it silver. I still have some touch ups, but I think it came out ok, and the best part is you can stick magnets to it, just like a real fridge. K

a killer play kitchen! Ever since I saw a homemade play kitchen made from a night stand, I have been dreaming of my own daughter's play kitchen. I loved mine when I was little, looking back it was straight up big 70's. Bright yellow appliances with a brick back splash! Yes wow gold! What's not to love? I spent hours playing in my "apartment", aka a walk-in closet cooking up all kinds of yummy treats. As soon as my little started serving me her freshly brewed crayon tea, I knew it was time to get that kitchen set I have been dreaming about going. So, I have had my eye out for a piece of furniture that would inspire me and was reasonably priced or better yet, free.

Stove Before creativebleedSink Before creativebleed

After Thanksgiving we had a little thrifting excursion in our local hood wow gold po. As we were hopping from one shop to the next we were discussing the very subject of play kitchens when low and behold we walked in to the next shop only to discover a play kitchen set! There beneath a table of once loved stuffed animals was a sink and stove. A simple pink and white set with blue and yellow accent colors. The set itself was in great condition. The only thing it was missing was the faucet piece that went over the sink and a fridge (which is not a necessity). Of course we stood there looking at it, actually debating: making our own vs. buying this one. Despite the enormous amount of kids toys I have seen at yard sales and thrift shops I honestly don't ever recall seeing a kitchen play set (of course I was never really looking untill recently). It is sort of a rare kids item to see second hand. For one they are expensive toys, usually require assemblage and if it's a nice set they usually get passed down. I know my set did, it was given to a family friend. The poor girl must of hated it, the set was 10+ years older then her. Anyways, back to this decision which was obvious: the set was $40 and already assembled. To make one ourselves or purchase a new one it would more then likely run at least $100 bucks. Not to mention the time and arguments a couple would have configuring a homemade set or deciphering the pictographs aka instructions (ikea) for assembling a new set. So yes, let's skip all that work and frustration and get to the fun part. Let's pimp this set out gw2 gold!!! Too be continued. k

